El Salvador Civil War Analysis

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War and violence in Central America is a result of governmental injustice due to the United States’ foreign policies. The United States supported El Salvador with weapons and money throughout the civil war. As a result of enforcing these policies, El Salvador’s poverty, population and crime rate increased. The books “…After…” by Carolina Rivera Escamilla and “The Tattooed Soldier” by Hector Tobar give us a glimpse of the issues Central Americans faced. The civil war in El Salvador was one of the most destructive combats Central America had ever encountered. It was a settlement between the FMLN and the United States supported Salvadoran regime that led political settlement of El Salvador’s civil war. The full civil war lasted twelve-years There has always been violence in the country. Starting with the Civil War, which in fact has a violent past. “It is difficult for us to imagine El Salvador without violence. As if violence was part of its story, of its identity.” (npr 2015) In the month of August there were 911 homicides, which is nearly 30 deaths in a day. From January to August there were 4,246 homicides. That alone is the highest homicide rate since the 12-year civil war. In Central American approximately 12% of women report having ever been forced to have sex by a male. Sexual violence is also happening often. Not only did the violence rate increase but also the poverty Not only is it a form of governmental injustice but also a violation of human rights. If there isn’t a change in the rate of violence, the poverty rate will never decrease. Both civil wars had a huge impact on the poverty and violence rate due to the fact that the peace agreements tried to change everything from one day to another. Both countries had a violent political history, which led to half of there population being poor. the United States is to blame for all the that has happened in Central America. Many had to witness traumatic events but through the midst of it all find hope. Some died spreading awareness, while others were forced to become a soldier without a choice. As some killed, as others had no choice but to kill in order to save themselves. Poverty meant not always having the required utensils in order to survive. Having fresh water to drink without being in fear that the water will kill you. To having a simple iron to iron your school uniform when it gets wet. Men and women being violently abused, raped, harassed. All this can change with an increase in jobs. A decrease in violence means a decrease in poverty. Both countries are signed to a peace agreement which is an agreement to human

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