Effect of Temperature on an Enzyme in Hydgrogen Peroxide

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Effect of Temperature on an Enzyme in Hydgrogen Peroxide Introduction. The aim of this investigation is to find out how temperature affects the speed at which the enzyme,Catalase,works best in Hydrogen Peroxide.I hope to achieve reliable results that will confirm my predictions. I predict that:- · By increasing the temperature of the Hydrogen Peroxide,the Catalase will react faster. This is because the particles have more energy so they will move and react at a faster rate. · At about 40c, the Catalase will start to deteriorate because the substrate no longer fits the enzyme making the enzyme useless. · I predict that the enzyme will work at its best at 37c because that is the human body temperature. · With temperatures lower than 40c,I will expect the rate of reaction to increase gradually as the temperature is increased because the particles will move faster because of the increase of their energy therefore they will react faster. · With temperatures higher than 40c,I expect to see the rate of reaction decrease rapidly and the enzyme become denatured because the enzyme and substrate no longer fit together meaning the enzyme is denatured. · I also predict that when my results are put on to a graph they will look something like this... (rough graph to show what line of best fit should and will eventually look ) because as the temperature works its way to 37c, the rate of reaction will increase quickly because the particles have alot of energy, but after 37c, the rate of reaction will decrease rapidly because the substrarte and enzyme no longer it together so the enzyme beomes useless and ev... ... middle of paper ... ...s a different distance in the test tube which means the further in the tubig was,the more water was taken up.This would affect the results because the more water taken up by the rubber tubing,the longer and the more oxygen it would take to push the water out.This means that if the experiment was done 3-5 times at the same temperature,the amount of bubbles would be likely to change. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Out of the two methods used,this was probably the most reliable because it was clear and you could tell that gas was actualy being produced because the bubbles were very easy to see. I think this experiment was a fair test because it was timed each time with an accurate stopwatch.I am very pleased with the results I obtained.

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