Don Quixote Analysis

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In medieval times, knight-errants roamed the countryside of Europe, rescuing damsels and vanquishing evil lords and enchanters. This may sound strange to many people in this time, but what if a person read so many books that he could not determine the real from that which was reading? The Adventures of Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes a prime example. Don Quixote, formerly Quixana, was not really a don at all. He was a wealthy, clever farmer who read excessive books about knight-errantry and became irrational. He persuaded a naive peasant named Sancho to become his squire, promising him fortune and a high spot in society. The book consists of many adventures these two had, both were convinced that they were doing brave and honorable acts of chivalry, when they were only two fools running around the countryside. Oedipus has a lot in common with Don as well as a lot of differences. Oedipus becomes king of Thebes. He is notorious for his intelligence and his ability to solve riddles; he saved the city of Thebes and was made its king by solving the riddle of the Sphinx, the mystical being...

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