Dog Monologue

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Spring was finally here! I love seeing the beautiful gray flowers and the light gray sky, and those weird white things that move around sometimes. It wasn’t too hot to take a walk and go to the park for a few hours either. I loved pretty much everything about spring, minus the weekly brushing of my dense fur. Can’t my owner tell I don’t like it when I growl? Oh, and don’t even get me started about baths. I would roll around in the neighbor’s flower bed and get pollen and petals all over me, along with mud. What part of hopping out of the tub does my owner not understand? Even though I loved spring, this year was different. Very, very different, and I hated it. You’re probably thinking, “What kind of dog doesn’t like roaming the streets, being free and being able to go to the bathroom wherever he wants?” Well, you see, the world out there is scary. There’s really mean people out there. I’m talking about throwing food and hitting me on the nose whenever I come to sniff them people. Yeah, those kinds of people are nasty. …show more content…

I can even remember the smell of a barbeque and alcohol next door! My owner had let me outside to use the bathroom, but little did he know the gate was wide open. Silly him, he must’ve forgotten to lock it when he was bringing dinner home. I creeped around the corner, glancing to the side. I gazed behind me and made sure he wasn’t looking. Suddenly, I bolted out of the backyard and found myself in the

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