Diversity In The Workplace

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Diversity is valid to take a long-time achievement, if adequately implemented within the multicultural workforce, the basis of difference should be the uniqueness of every person and not only culture, religion, sex and age. This essay will walk you through the example of leveraging diversity in one leading company and its commercial success related to mutual efforts of leading diverse team to the new achievements. The IBM Corporation IBM the International Business Machines Corporation is an American multinational technology company that creates and use best practices in hiring, maintaining and supporting women of color to guarantee that a variety of views are expressed at every tier of management and decision-making. IBM has a long history …show more content…

Example of the some of these steps where CEO of IBM demonstrated a commitment to diversity and inclusion. CEO provides an annual update on diversity to the board of directors. Orders diversity executive to report back to him/her on diversity metrics. Meets regularly with diversity executive to review diversity goals and performance. Makes CEO diversity statement accessible on the corporate website and in other organizational materials. Secures diversity and inclusion into the business growth strategy. Supervises and reviews metrics on supplier diversity. Incorporates an update on diversity during annual updates with employees. Oversees or approves management compensation plans that are tied to diversity. CEO chairs or oversees Diversity Council. CEO is a board member of a diversity organization. Lindsay-Rae McIntyre, IBM’s Chief Diversity Officer, revealed some thoughts on diversity: “Creating an inclusive workforce requires management that role-models and engages with employees on an ongoing basis. Start co-creating with employees on a solution that meets their needs, and start small and iterate. Also, there is no one single solution — your approach

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