Definition Essay: The Most Successful Person I Know

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Success, by definition, it means to achieve a goal or purpose. To some, success might be popularity, or even getting a raise at their job; but to me, success is more about how you live. At first this statement might confuse a person, but then if one digs deeper into this response they’ll find something greater. This “something greater” is certainly not anything materialistic, rather someone’s spiritual faith and their happiness in what they do. For some it might be difficult to think of someone successful they know; but for me it is simple, the most successful person I know is my mom. My mom has not always had it easy in fact, I’d say her life has been quite difficult, but she’s always found a way around things. My older sister, Katie, was diagnosed with bipolar and ADHD around the age of ten; most mothers may have given up, deciding that the situation at hand was too hard to handle, but mine never did. Instead, she stayed firm in her faith and stuck it out, getting Katie medicated and counseled on a low budget; while also …show more content…

I’ve always adored young children and although that is far into my future, I’d love to be such an important role in someone’s life like a mother is. I think my reason for this is my own mother, all she ever desired when she got older was to become a mother. Maybe if go down this path I might find my calling, like she did. While I pursue this, I plan on keeping myself, and this family I will one day have, firm in our faith. I hope that one day if this were to come true, I could bring my future children to the same church and school that I was raised in, and teach them to adore it. To me, this would be a successful life; after all what’s purpose of life without God and furthering the faith of others? If I lead this life, I will be extremely content and happy; not only that but I’ll be

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