Dave Pelzer A child called it and The lost boy

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Dave Pelzer A child called it and The lost boy

David Pelzer’s books, “The Child Called It” and “The Lost Boy” should be taught in high school English classes. I think most students in a high school English class are old enough and, mature to handle the contents of the books and to get a understanding of what David went through. At times the books are a little to detailed, but people have to understand it is something that happens in everyday life, and people cant be prejudiced towards the children. It is something that everyone has to accept weather we want to or not. After reading the books, or after reading just the first book, is enough for a person to be aware of child abuse, and how it can really harm the child not only physically but mentally. It also lets people know that it’s not the child’s fault, so they shouldn’t be treated differently.

David’s books should be taught in high schools. When I say high school I mean the

students should be at least a junior, unless the English class is advanced and the instructor knows the students are mature enough to handle it. Personally I don’t think I would of been able to take the books or the topic seriously if I were a freshmen or a sophomore. Child abuse isn’t a topic that can be or that should be taken lightly. Since the topic of child abuse isn’t taught to students, its really unknown exactly what it is, and what harm it does to a child. I know after I read the books, I realized how precious life is, and...

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