Crucet's 'Make Your Home Among Strangers'

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In “Make Your Home Among Strangers” Jennine Capó Crucet describes the life of a first generation latina college student. Crucet describes the challenges that Lizet has to face upon going to a prestigious college in New York. While having to deal with the rest of her family in Florida. Personally, Being a first generation latina college student brings this load that I have to prove to myself and others that I am capable of succeeding. Lizet and I are quite similar in some ways but we are also very different. One similarity that Lizet and I have in common is that we both do not fully speak up. An instance when Lizet does not speak up is when she has her meeting with the Deans of Rawlings. The reason she has to have a meeting with them in the …show more content…

My siblings are not as close as others could be but I am not at all like Lizet and her sister Leidy. Throughout the book their relationship has up and downs. With Leidy always reminding Lizet that she is changing from going to college like when she says she is becoming too white “You got enough days her this visit to maybe go sit in the sun for a while. You look worse than last time, she said. You look so freaking white” (Crucet 144). What at times make Lizet feel uncomfortable. My relationship with my siblings is different from Lizet and Leidys. First of all I have two older brother that are close in age to each other but when it comes to me they are seven and ten years older than me. So growing up together is not something I am able to remember easily since the oldest moved out when I was just seven years old. Although they have never said anything to make me feel like I am different because of college. They want me to go to school and get my education because I have the opportunity that they did not have years back to go to …show more content…

Lizet is a Cuban American. While I am a Mexican American. We are both Latinas that in this country we are looked very different to the rest of the population. We may have a skin that is more tanner then the average “white person” but we are trying our best to feel like we belong in this country, since it is the one we were born in. A part that I like about Lizet when she talks about Cuba is that she referred to Cuban Time because of her flight back to Rawlings “My Flight actually left at two, but almost as a family rule, we always run late,...I gave us plenty of padding for our tendency to run on Cuban Time” (Crucet 57-58). I found that part to be very hilarious because I can have a similarity to it. As a Mexican I know that you never get to the places you need to be at the time that you really need to be there. Either we get there and hour late or

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