Critical Analysis Of The Murder On The Orient Express?

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“Orient Express is arguably her most enduring work as far as the average reader goes, due to the daring gimmick the author was able to pull off: they all did it ("Murder on the Orient" 155). This critical comment made by Greg Wilson gives an accurate depiction to the mystery that Agathe Christie builds up in her book. The Murder on the Orient Express has many aspects that played big roles in creating the novel. The way the author uses the aspects, such as plot, setting, the author 's style, and the characters are what made the book suspenseful and intriguing to the reader. There are many characters in the book, but main character in the book is Hercule Poirot. Hercule is a famous Belgian inspector known for his efficient, unorthodox methods …show more content…

The point of view in The Murder on the Orient Express is third-person omniscient, which is crucial to the book. The reader can see an example when Christie first introduces Mrs. Debenham. Christie tells all about Mrs. Debenham’s adventure up until that point and also gives a brief description of her thoughts and feelings about Hercule (Christie 6). Christie does not, however, reveal any of Mrs. Debenhams involvement in the murder. Knowing the thoughts of the characters is very important in keeping the reader interested and trying to figure out the murder without giving away. Critics supports this idea by saying, although the thoughts and feelings of all characters are given, the restricted information Christie leaves out, gives the readers a dramatic effect ("Murder on the Orient" 152). Christie’s style in The Murder on the Orient Express also included some stereotyping of individuals on the train. This stereotyping was shown when it was decided that the stab wounds seemed to be inflicted by a woman based on the lack of intensity (Christie 56). Another place stereotyping was concerned was when Antonio was suspected solely based on his Italian nationality (Christie 122). The stereotyping Christie includes in her book shows importance to the plot by distracting the readers from more valid evidence. This distraction is another tactic used to keep the reader intrigued in the story. Greg Wilson comments about Christie’s insensitive remarks and says she might use these shallow, stereotypical comments about the characters as a crucial part of the murder plot ("Murder on the Orient" 155). The author’s style draws the reader in by utilizing distracting elements to elude them from the

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