Crime And Punishment Classic

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In Crime and Punishment, there are a number of things that one could be drawn to as to classify this story as a classic. I believe that the novel Crime and Punishment is a classic. This is due to its well-crafted and purposeful characters, the intense change displayed through the main character, and it’s lasting and accurate portrayal of its main themes and the act of murder. First, I believe that the characters are an aspect that qualifies this work as a classic. The characters are all aspects of different situations and statuses that are still relatable in the modern era. For example, the archetype of the hopeless drunk is still a staple of recent writing appears in this work in the form of Marmeladov. Who is shown in this light through his scene talking to Raskolnikov in the bar where he talks …show more content…

The themes and conflict of consequences from actions, a character’s change, repentance to relieve guilt, and guilt v.s. Self-interest is carried through the entire book. For example, the main character struggles with turning himself in or staying out of jail throughout the entire story. (Pg. 505) Not to mention the beautiful interpretation of the feelings one would have after committing a crime like murder. This book does an excellent job of getting inside the head of the murder, who is usually a mysterious figure, or someone close who has the obvious motive. Here it is a man who has become a murder and we get to see that transformation, and the thoughts that come with it that slowly chip away at him. We get to see all the pitfalls and hurdles. Some of which are merely overcome by chance and luck. It is an accurate model of life, where coincidence is bound to happen, whether it play in your favor or not. Like when the stairwell cleared during the main character’s escape from the pawn owner's house. (Pg. 82) Thus making it an excellently written piece, qualified for the title of

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