Creedance Clearwater Revival's 'Fortunate Son'

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Thinking about the days of the draft always seems to send a chill to bone of dying in a foreign nation where you're very far from your love ones and your no "fortunate son" when you're in line for duty. In the generation of the 60's and 70's, an unpopular war was raging in Vietnam, countless young men were drafted into service to fight the NVA forces from uniting the country under the forces of communism and contain the philosophy from spreading outside of the containment zone. "Fortunate Son" by Creedance Clearwater Revival sought to reveal many of the recruits were young men from the lower class and men born in wealthy, upper families avoided military service. Even in the war, the military continues to seek a large abundance of able-body …show more content…

Unfortunately, the message of "Fortunate Son" emphasizes on anti-war, anti-elitism, and anti-politics, but "Fortunate Son" supports the troops because of the regular Americans who make up the troops. War in its entirety is brutal, savage, and deadly; however the soldiers were not given preferential treatment due to their position in society, instead the elites avoided military service and use wars to greatly increase their wealth. The master class who starts the wars send in the young men from the lower classes to fight them, while they sit down and watch the soldiers participating in the war with nothing to lose. The young men fighting war grew up in a working man environment where the only way for survival in life depended on how their strong work ethics and their constant responsibility to put on the table for their families. Now for the men who actually fought in the war, "Fortunate Son" in any sense does not denounces the men who served, but despises the wars where the men were sent to fight an enemy the government want to …show more content…

"Fortunate Son" delivers a powerful anti-war message through their strategic use of repetition, political commentary, and imagery to clearly describe the corruption within the draft system. The master class has the opportunity to exploit the subject class by creating and waging wars, but the subject class suffers the bear brunt by serving in those wars with everything to lose and nothing to gain. The day to day struggle the subject class goes in their life remains in a constant factor with war raging on, they had no say in the matter and eventually they were shipped out to Vietnam to fight a war that spurned in order to liberate the country from communism. While the subject class fought those battles and losing everything in the process, the master class watched afar in their homes and continue their tax evasion while the rest of society suffers from taxes employed by the government to continue the war. In the midst of the war raging on, "Fortunate Son" emerged as one of the strongest and popular anti-war songs in the 1960's and 1970's amidst growing government opposition. The growing opposition greatly increased the mentality of the anti-war movement which gradually created a rift in the people and the government resulting massive distrust in presidential leaders. The unfortunate result led to troops pulling out of Vietnam in 1973 and leaving the South to fend for themselves against the North. The Vietnam war created a dark stain in American history, which

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