Comparing Creation In Genesis And Hesiod's Theogony

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The Bible which contains about 66 books is the most religious followed book, in the Bible one of these books is the book of Genesis, which deals with creation. It talks in-depth about how man and nature were developed. There is also Theogony which discusses the creation of the gods and goddess. Genesis and Theogony discuss common themes such as the nature of God and gods, respectively and the creation of everything. Although they share many common concepts about creation; they also differ greatly. The creation of earth out of a void by a higher power is a common premise seen in both texts. Monotheism is greatly emphasized in Genesis—God is seen as omniscient, and all-powerful being. Whereas in Theogony polytheism is prominent it emphases many …show more content…

Theogony is essentially an adaptation of Genesis. Although they differ in very interesting ways they are also very similar. There is a very strong theme present in both stories and that is the relationship between man and nature. In Genesis, the world was created in six days, the seventh day being used for rest. Each day brought an incredible creation that was valuable to the world. God created man in six days. He makes man in his own image to rule over nature “and God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Gen 1:28). God not only gave man nature, but he also crafted them from the soil of the earth. We see that in Genesis that nature isn’t always good, it proves to be the downfall of humans. As man is thrown from paradise for eating from The Tree of Knowledge. Likewise, in Theology nature is also mans’ greatest asset and downfall. Conversely, in that situation, earth/ nature has a personification in the form of Gia. The Theogony recognizes that without Gia human life would not exist. However, unlike in Genesis nature is not explicitly given to man. In fact, many things are hidden from man. That is why when Prometheus steals fire and gives it to man it is such a momentous deal. Fire is sort of like The Tree of …show more content…

In fact, in the poem, women were made as a punishment to man after they accepted fire from Prometheus. Eve’s role and woman’s role in Genesis are to be a helper to man and a way for humankind to continue. Eve is created from man ribs and thus is part of him. When Eve eats from the tree of knowledge and convinces Adam to do so as well they bring down the fall of mankind. God punishes them, and the serpent because knows the blame is not entirely on the two. In Theology, women are the solely the ones to

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