Compare And Contrast Kitchenette Building And A Raisin In The Sun

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Marina Triebenbacher 10/9/14 English Period 2 A Raisin in the Sun Analytical Paragraph Various people have different beliefs on the importance of having dreams The speaker in “Kitchenette Building,” by Gwendolyn Brooks and Beneatha in A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry both have contrasting views on the significance of dreams. In the poem “Kitchenette Building,” the speaker discusses how arduous it is for a dream to survive the hardships and harsh realities of life in a cramped kitchenette …show more content…

“We wonder. But not well! Not for a minute! Since Number Five is out of the bathroom now, we think of lukewarm water, hope to get in it” (Brooks 11-13). The speaker indicates that even if someone has a dream, they cannot really consider pursuing it, for it is not as important as the basic necessities. Instead, they replace the dream with a practical desire: getting into the bath before the water becomes cold. This demonstrates that the speaker believes that it is essential to take care of basic human needs before fantasizing about unrealistic ideas. Beneatha, on the other hand, is determined to accomplish her dream of becoming a doctor. Unlike the speaker in “Kitchenette Building,” Beneatha strives for a dream that seems far-fetched. She is not satisfied with just the basic needs, so she yearns to do something important with her life. In fact, one of her nicknames is “One for Whom Bread-Food-Is Not Enough” (Hansberry 65). Unlike the speaker of the poem, Beneatha refuses to let her dream die just because of her family’s unfortunate financial situation. Furthermore, Beneatha’s ambition does not fit into the gender stereotypes of the time period. “Ain’t many girls who decide ‘to be a doctor’”

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