Compare And Contrast House Taken Over And The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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The American educator, Stephen Covey, once said “Every human has four endowments - self-awareness, conscience, independent will, and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, and to change.” Imagination is something that we can control, or can we? This correctly demonstrates how imagination is one of the human traits that we decide. Sometimes imagination can become too real, and we might not see what the reality is then. The characters in House Taken Over, and The Fall of the House of Usher both experience an accentuated, realistic imagination. They are in a state where they have gone too far and can not get back. Once you get used to living in your imagination, it becomes a continual thing that you may not be able to control. This happens in everyday life as well, not just in fictional stories. …show more content…

When I was younger, I would be in the living room with my dad when he would be playing games or watching movies. I remember specifically that it was winter because I wanted to go outside instead of staying in but my dad said no because it was too cold outside. There was a scene in a movie he was watching where the main character went to lay down in bed, and he felt a strange poking sensation on their back. When they got up to investigate, they saw a rip in the mattress and fell down to the ground. Out crawled some disgusting creäture from the mattress, and it walked out of the room with the dead character on the floor. This is where my imagination took over. Ever since then, when I will get into a bed, I get a strange feeling that someone or something is inside of my mattress. Although it is a very unrealistic situation, I can not control that part of my imagination no matter how many times I tell myself it is not real. This is because it took over and led me to believe something bad is going to

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