Civil War Dbq

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Lesson1 Objective 1 1. What would you guess were the main causes of the Civil War? I guess there are five main causes of the Civil War. They are economic and social differences between the North and the South, states versus federal rights, the fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents, growth of the abolition movement and the election of Abraham Lincoln. 2. What arguments of the abolitionists do you find convincing? What about those of the South? Treat people as slaves because of their different skin color is an injustice for the reason that everyone deserves to have basic human rights, and is respected as human beings. Besides, slavery is based on the idea that any person could enslave any other weaker person, since there could always …show more content…

What did Webster mean when he said there “can be no such thing as a peaceable secession”? When he said that what he meant was that the south wanted to secede from the Union, but the north would not allow them to secede by force. He was saying that if the south starts to secede that it will start a civil war between the States, which it did ten years later. 2. What is your personal opinion about the argument that individual states have the right to secede from the Union? In my opinion, the individual states can secede from the Union in theory, but it has never been tried through legal means. Technically the process would be the same as dividing a state. There would have to be a referendum by the citizens of the state, the legislature would have to vote for secession, and then the Governor would petition Congress. Congress would then have to vote to approve letting the state leave the union. Objective 3 1. If you were in Lincoln’s position, what would you do and …show more content…

What strengths do you think the South had? What strengths do you think the North had? How did these factors influence the outcome of the war? Southern strengths were the fight was for a cause they believed in and was mostly fought in territory familiar to them. Northern strengths were bigger population, access to industry, foreign markets and money. Northern strengths overweighed because their navy controlled southern ports and stopped cotton exports, once the South lost their resources they were unable to fight a long campaign any more. 3. Many believe we are still dealing with residual effects from the Civil War. Identify such issues and state how we continue to grapple with them or how we have resolved them over time. I think the federal government became too powerful is residual effects from the Civil War. Before the Civil War, the United States had a good balance of separation of powers between the State Governments and Federal Governments. However, the 14th Amendment was passed to be used to force the will of the federal government down the states throats as a result of the Civil War. Objective

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