Character Analysis: Sara Crewe

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Throughout life we are challenged to overcome adversity. The way of coping with life’s obstacles depends on individual personality. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel, A Little Princess, the protagonist Sara Crewe transitions from living a prosperous life to an impoverished one after learning her beloved father has died and left her in financial ruin. She is moved from a luxurious room to a meager attic, her role in the boarding school changes from the show pupil to a scullery servant. However, she is strong and despite her pampered childhood, she bears her misfortunes bravely. Sara Crewe endures numerous hardships after being left in the care of Mrs. Minchin, but she perseveres and overcomes adversity with the support from her father, her rich imagination, and acting upon the Golden Rule. Burnett’s novel teaches a lesson of believing in yourself and maintaining hope even through the challenges in life.

Sara Crewe is portrayed as living in a world where nothing would harm her; she seems insufferable (Burnett I). She is the dearest treasure of her loving, and wealthy father who wanted Sara to be happy and comfortable at all times; she is surrounded by books, toys, and custom made clothes. When her father, Captain Crewe, says his goodbyes to Sara before leaving for war, he gives her the last doll as a present, and explains to her the purpose of the doll “Whenever you’re afraid or miss me terribly...just tell Emily. And she will get the message to me, wherever I am. And I’ll send it back right that when you hug’ll really be getting a hug from me “(Burnett 5). Sara and her “Papa” depend on one another for support and love. Emily, the doll, symbolizes the friendship and bond her father had with her. The doll con...

... middle of paper ... Salem Press, 199. Web. 13 May 2010. .

Burnett, Frances Hodgson. A Little Princess. New York: F. Watts, 2007. Print.

"The Golden Rule." John Carroll University - Educating for Leadership and Service in the Jesuit Tradition. Web. 12 May 2010. .

Singleton, Carl. "A Little Princess." EBSCOhost. Salem Press, 1991. Web. 11 May 2010. .

Velasquez, Manuel, Claire Andre,et al. "What Is Ethics?" Santa Clara University - Welcome. Web. 11 May 2010. .

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