Caspian Monologue

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Caspian's POV I stood behind a bush as I watched my brother kissing the mortal woman. It was always the do and trash conception, but he has been with that woman for months, I would be lying if I said there were no sparks. Seeing this made me disgusted, I never imagined Farouk ever falling in love, especially with a mortal. Stepping into the sunlight, away from the bush, I shouted at him. Startled, Farouk turned away from the woman and walked gracefully towards me. "What is it, Caspian?" "What are you doing with the mortal, Farouk?" I said in a cold and murderous voice. "Do you love her? Or is this a joke?" "Caspian, I think you know what is happening between me and Isabella," Farouk said, and he didn't seem affected by my cold voice. …show more content…

I was furious, I could nearly feel flames bursting from my head. However, it was not because of my brother. I was once in love with the same woman, Isabella Arellano, till I found out she was a witch. Out of love for her, I did not turn her in. ------ Narrative One evening, Caspian felt a different energy in the atmosphere. Deciding to investigate, he found out that Farouk had transferred half of his power to Isabella, and she became immortal. He tried to warn he brother about the witch, but Farouk accused him of being jealous. Doing so, he gathered all the Gods and banished his brother to Hell. He even took away most of his powers, and the only way to get them back was to find love. However, he only had a century, or else he shall fade. After he was banished from Heaven, Caspian made himself the King of the Underworld, he promised that he would find love, and regain his powers. Succeeding, he would take over the world, and kill the witch. With this, the great prophecy was formed. The Great Prophecy (Devil's Curse) A century to find love, You to be her

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