Capulets and Montagues in 4th Street Fight

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Capulets and Montagues in 4th Street Fight The Capulets and Montagues have had A series of street fights and luckily no one has been seriously injured before. The Prince of Verona has stated that if any more street fights take place then both families will have heavy fines and other penalties. The quarrels between the montagues and capulets since anyone can remember, no one really knows how they began or if they will ever finish. They are the two biggest families in Verona, I believe they are fighting over land ownership. The Youngest member of the Montagues and the only Heir and son of Old Montague was seen at the Capulets latest party by Tybalt (a master of the sword and cousin of the Montagues) our correspondent at the party said that Tybalt was angered at something and speaking to old capulet about a certain capulet who shall not be named. A reliable source tells us that a group of masked Montagues were at the party and Romeo was spotted with Juliet Capulet (Montagues only daughter). The Fight Breaks Loose! Mercutio ( a dear cousin of the prince of Verona) ,who happened to be a very good freind of romeo and romeos cousin Benvolio, was with Benvolio when Tybalt (who gets angered very easily) was walking the streets looking for young romeo (whos about 5 years younger than Tybalt); onlookers reported that Mercutio looked worried when Tybalt said that he wanted A FIGHT with romeo about the party. Mercutio was scared for ROmeo because Tybalt is a fighting machine. They try to pick fights with each other and annoy each other as much as possible, they soon start fighting and both laugh about, at this point what no one knew was that Tybalt was getting very angry with Mercutios mocking and playing style of fighting. As romeo tried to break up the fight he held Mercutio back and as he did, this blocked His line of vision, Tybalt jabbed him with the extremely sharp point of the sword and then ran as fast as he could.

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