Biochemical Test Lab Report

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In today's medicine, correctly and quickly identifying a patient's illness is essential for proper treatment. In order to execute this, biochemical tests of various magnitudes are used to identify what a patient may be infected with. In our lab, we received an unknown sample of urine. After several biochemical tests, we determined our unknown specimen to be Enterobacter aerogenes. This particular bacterium is gram-negative, with rod shaped morphology. In order to determine whether our specimen was gram-positive or negative, we conducted a gram stain. After analyzing the resulting dyed smear on the slide, pink, rod-shaped bacteria were prominent. We next created a streak plate in order to grow our particular specimen and isolate colonies from it. Our streak plate was grown on MacConkey agar, which is used to differentiate between lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenters. It also selects for …show more content…

It is commonly found in the human gastrointestinal tract, soil, wastes, and often hygienic chemicals ("Enterobacter Aerogenes"). It often found on stainless steel or copper surfaces in great quantities. Therefore, making sure all appliances and equipment in hospitals are sterile in order to decrease possibility of nosocomial infections. Common equipment found contaminated with the bacteria are parenteral nutrition solutions, digital thermometers intravenous catheters, mechanical ventilators, and dialysis equipment (Jha 2016). Enterobacter aerogenes is primarily known to cause skin and eye infections. It also can cause urinary-tract-infections and lower-respiratory infections. Individual who remain in the hospital for extensive periods and the dialysis unit are most prone to acquiring an infection from enterobacter aerogenes (Jha 2016) As a result, proper personal protection (PPI) equipment and hand washing around those who are infected is

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