Bandura And Mischel's Social Cognitive Theory

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Social cognitive theory: (SCT), is based on two ideas. The first idea is that people learn by watching others. In this theory is believed that people can learn by observing others. The person observing can obtain new behaviors and understanding by simply observing the people around them. Applying the first idea of Social cognitive theory to Ms. Smith behavior I would imply everything she went thru in her marriage was a learned behavior that she acquired by watching her father. The information presented of how aggressive Ms. Smith father reacted to when Ms. Smith was a child and took a dollar unauthorized from her fathers wallet make me concluded that probably it wasn’t the first or last time he snapped aggressively. From Ms. Smith fathers reaction I can imply he could have snapped at Ms. Smith mother too. In other words Ms. Smith could have …show more content…

They might start by looking at the obstacles or problems that she has faced and could of have affected either physically or emotionally to come to the conclusion of why Ms. Smith could be experiencing all the behavior changes expressed by Ms. Smith and her sister. Bandura and Mischel might start looking into her personal life and the people she associate her self with. They might focus on the fact that she was in an abusive relationship. They might conclude that her behavior is being influenced by low self-esteem and the cause of her low self-esteem could be caused by the amount of verbal and physical abused that she received by her ex husband. Ms. Smith sister could be an important part to test Mischel idea that discriminations often are visible within the same person if closely observed over time and across satiations. In other words the sister input about Ms. Smith behavior can be very important to determine how drastically smith behavior has really

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