Avatar Race Distraction

1693 Words4 Pages

Dana Abou Abbas
English 1C
May 18th , 2018

Avatar Race Distraction
Avatar, a tremendously successful movie produced by James Cameron, Jon Landau. With its popularity and mass appeal, it has also acquired a considerable amount of disapproval from a variety of sources, pointing at a variation of topics of the film, from its demonstration of alien natives and a colonial corporate military, to race problems and a representation of cigarette use. The movie Avatar can be analyzed in many different types of ways which include post- colonialism, and feminism. This essay will survey main elements of the movie, examining criticism, and offering its own analysis and deconstruction. It will retain analytic critique, as well, analyzing how Avatar is …show more content…

Pandora is colonized with fantastic creatures like hexapede which is a deer-like creature with a fan-like cranial structure, and an ethnic race of tall blue extra-terrestrials called the Na'vi. The film is presented in 3D, a skill that has been around for some time but this is the initial time it seems to be used deprived of the reference to innovation. In this way Cameron and Twentieth Century Fox created a film, or rather a capability, that cannot be plagiarized; a substantial quantity of its income is from audiences paying more to watch it in 3D, unquestionably several times, on a huge IMAX screen. Article titled The 3-D aesthetic: Avatar and Hyper Haptic Visuality by Miriam Ross states that “Avatar (James Cameron, 2009) was heralded for its sophisticated use of stereoscopic technology” however other reviewers like Meryl Gottlieb who is a social video editor at Business Insider States that “I believe if a movie is truly so stunning, its greatness shouldn't be limited to a format. 3D shouldn't make "Avatar." Storytelling and cinematography should make "Avatar." from my perspective what Gottlieb says is true if the only think that made avatar the most successful movie ever made is its representation is 3 dimension then it is not truly the best movie ever

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