Argumentative Essay On Domestic Violence

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Violence is displayed everywhere in society through media like entertainment, in their schools and communities, and within their homes. It is difficult to imagine living in a world without some sort of violence due to it being so prevalent in society. Many children have been exposed to violence in their own homes or have become victims leaving detrimental short and long term effects. There are three forms of domestic violence in the homes. They are physical, sexual, emotional abuse. People often think of domestic violence as having bruises or a broken arm, but in reality it is an occurrence that happens repeatedly over a period of time. One study concluded “children in domestic violence shelters found that almost half their mothers had …show more content…

People need to be more informed about different forms of violence and abuse problems in society in order to know when to report unacceptable behavior. Too often things are unreported or undetected due to people being unaware on what to do leaving children in an inadequate situation. Several key people in communities like teachers, physicians, dentists, hospitals, or daycares are mandated reporters where they are obligated to observe the well-being of each child and report misbehavior if necessary. Recently, there has been a jump in violent behavior reports due to changes in legislation and a shift in attitudes of the general public on the harmful effects of children (Lavergne et al., 2011). Child Protective Services can step in to provide different resources or help groups to help the family to get back on their feet. Some of the services are shelter services, counseling, family violence centers, and temporary emergency care. The temporary emergency center like the Children’s Haven is a safe neutral location for children to go while families are experiencing crisis. Law enforcement can decide to place children from violence or substance abuse situations in a neutral setting until a foster care has enough openings for every child to be placed together. Temporary emergency centers can also provide support for parents undergoing traumatic situations for instance if a mother is trying

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