Anne Moody's Coming Of Age In Mississippi

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Anne Moody’s “Coming of Age in Mississippi” represents the encounters of prejudice and every day battles from a child’s point of view to the hardships of being black during the times of racial inequality and despair. This piece was made in 1968 which was the same time African Americans were still struggling to gain civil rights. Not only was it a story of racism, but it was a great depiction of her life as she shares to help people understand what her childhood was like during those horrible times. The use of themes, motifs, and symbols help you to understand her story. Despite not scrutinizing race and racism being real life issues, she does in fact show how ridiculous and subjective racial refinements are. She recalls that many whites …show more content…

She repeatedly utilizes food to help remind the readers of the extreme poverty happening during her times of growing up. For the majority of her youth, her and her family lived on a hand-to-mouth existence. On most days, they really only eat nothing but bread and beans. And during the good times, they will eat table scraps and milk or peanut butter given from the middle class white families. Anne Moody rarely mentions any of the suffering that goes with this hardship, but the details alone make the readers uneasy. Food also marks the powerful distinctions in status amongst the blacks and the whites as it show how dependent the middle class whites are on the blacks since these types of families seem to not know how to cook for themselves. It represents the difference in wealth between the two races. Moody also uses food to drag on to the attention of how low regard they receive from whites. For example, a while lady lets her cats drink out of the vat milk that she then sells to black …show more content…

Light skinned blacks or what Anne calls them “mulatto” or yellow often like to think of themselves to have a high social status being that they are no better than the other blacks or whites. Hence, the notice of the skin color represents the theme disunity that is happening in the black community. And that fact that so much of these blacks almost look like they are white also proves the other theme of racial distinctions being nothing but absurd since they are socially constructed on the idea of having no real basis in physical realities. Lastly, because the light skinned blacks are prejudice against the dark skinned blacks, Anne herself becomes suspicious towards the light skinned blacks that she too is prejudice which serves the overall theme of how destructive prejudice can

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