Analyzing Chino Hardin's Essay 'Chasing The Scream'

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War on drugs is the biggest political hoax in the history of the United States. In “Chasing the Scream”, Johann Hari elegantly outlined the arguments, which illustrate that the drugs use originates mostly from social causes. Hari briefly explained how the war on drugs came to be and how it is perpetuated in the contemporary society. Therefore, to illustrate that addiction to drugs is closely tied to social causes Johann Hari presented multiple examples. For the purpose of the following essay, I will focus on Chino Hardin’s life experiences and how the war on drugs came to be and the repercussions it had on the users. As a young man (I will refer to Chino as a male since that is his preference) Chino has faced a life of hardships. Likewise, from the moment of his …show more content…

Likewise, the story of his conception has had a significant impact on him as an individual. Knowing that he is, as he described, a “product of rape” (Hari 2013:82) is psychologically and emotionally straining. However, Chino grew up in the neighborhood, where rape of drug users by police officers was a common occurrence because “who’s going to believe a drug addict?” (Hari 2013: 68). Similarly, from a young age, Chino was involved in selling drugs because that was the way for him to make money and to survive in his neighborhood. He was first incarcerated at the age of thirteen for violent shit street because, as Chino described, dealing drugs put him in the situations where he had to stand his ground, and anger was the main source of retaliation (Hari 2013). Consequently, coming in and out of the broken prison system only perpetuated him to do more violence. Likewise, Chino described prison as a university where you learn how to deal and steal, resulting in many people leave prison with more knowledge about dealing drugs, than before they entered. Therefore, there is no

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