Analysis Of W. E. B. Du Bois's 'On Being Crazy'

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A short story, On being crazy, W.E.B Du Bois, an American sociologist, historian and activist provide an illustration of what it’s like to be an African American in America. The setting took place is 1883 where they await for the supreme court's ruling in the civil right case. The story walked us through Dui Boi’s day where he encountered numerous racial discrimination for being black. His first encounter begin in a restaurant where the waiter questions his present for being here. It was clear that he was unwanted in the restaurant. Instead of taking his order, she tried to get rid of him for being black. His next encounter happened in a hotel where they refuse to serve him, because they want no part of social equality. Last but not least, …show more content…

Carnock, a policy analyst with the Education Policy program at New America wrote about how young children of immigrants face discrimination. Some of the criticism involves racial and socioeconomic. These issues doesn’t only generate from their peer, but also from their teacher. It’s easy for young children of immigrants to be a target because of how vulnerable they are. They are still trying to fit into a new system that offers many challenges such as learning a culture and language. The problem with teachers is that they tend to have problem working with immigrants children. They set lower standard and expectation because they are not equipped to teach them. Therefore, it kills the children’s creativity and future learning. School is suppose to be a place where all children can excel in safe learning environment. But, without the guidance from their teacher young immigrants children aren’t able to get the same opportunity as their peer. This not only hurt their chances in life, but also limits their growth. The purpose of this article is show that all children should be treated equally and get the same amount attention from their teacher. They should not be discriminated for being different, but rather encourage to be the best the best that they can be. Hence, all the teachers should learn how to reach how to to young immigrants children in a way that can also help them excel in

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