Analysis Of Hegel's Perspective Of Sophocles Antigone

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Hegel’s perspective of Sophocles’ Antigone is accurate in stating that at the center of the tragedy there is a collision between one-sided positions rather than one tragic hero. In Sophocles’ Antigone, two sides battle over the proper way to dispose of a person who was both a family member and an enemy of the state. Both sides embody some good, as King Kreon was acting to protect the kingdom from an enemy and Antigone was trying to honor her brother with a proper burial. When analyzed from different perspectives, both sides are equally justified. Antigone’s action of burying Polyneices is justified because she was trying to honor her deceased brother. This action of honoring a past family member is an action that many perform and is widely accepted. When discussing the issue with her sister Ismene, …show more content…

As his sister, Antigone deserves the right to give Polyneices a proper burial. Regardless of the actions Polyneices performed, he is still her brother and she has the right to give him a proper burial. Antigone states that “I shall bury him. To me it is fine to die performing such a deed” (71-72). Despite the edict that the King issues against burying Polyneices, Antigone decides she will still honor him with a proper burial because it is her moral obligation. She goes as far as saying that she is willing to die performing this deed because she knows that it is the just thing to do. Antigone does not feel the need to cooperate with King Kreon because he is not the one she needs to please. She explains that “I know that I am pleasing those that I should please most” (89). To Antigone, King Kreon’s laws are inferior to those of the gods and the needs of her fallen brother.

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