Adam Smith's Moral Sentiments

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Adam Smith was one of the most inspirational economists back in the 18th century and now. Adam Smith’s date of birth was never known but he was baptized on the date of June 5th, 1723 in his hometown of Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Unfortunately, Adam Smith’s Dad passed away prior to his birth in Scotland. When Adam Smith was at the age of three, he was abducted by some gypsies in front of his house when he was playing. However, John Smith was left alive in a forest by a few gypsies. Twelve years later, Adam Smith had enrolled in Glasgow University with a scholarship taking the major of Moral Philosophy. After Adam Smith was in Glasgow University, he later enrolled in a college in Oxford named Balliol College but later went back to Glasgow University as a professor in 1751. Adam Smith’s major that he taught in Glasgow University was logic. In 1752, Adam Smith later received the position of being the chair of his major of Moral Philosophy. Adam Smith has developed and created the most influential works of economic, philosophy and beyond. Adam Smith made an economic model for his theory involving the economic market through his books. Adam Smith produced his own book titled “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” which revolved around morals of humans and mercy toward a person or a community. On the other hand, the book did have a slight vision of the rejection of loving yourself and the slim idea what an individual wants for his or her self. Adam Smith also produced another book titled “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” that was based on the concept of the politics of economy. This book also gave the idea that wealth’s amount is determined by the amount of work not by length. Adam Smith’s book eventually g... ... middle of paper ... ...nion on his work is that it was well written but his books lacked a couple of flaws. The first flaw is that there was a lack of biblical importance, concepts, and lessons for the in both books called “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” and “The Theory of Moral Sentiments.” The next flaw is that it gives no specific instructions on how to achieve economic success and achievement. However, there are positives in Adam Smith’s writings which are helpful for the economy. Adam Smith teaches you how to know the true value of currency and how it should be viewed. The last positive aspect is the sense how moral s can be useful in the economy and the money in our own pocket. In conclusion, Adam Smith may lack some biblical ethics in his writing but he does give clear insight on how our economic system works and the meaning of value in money.

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