A Rose For Emily Character Analysis Essay

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William Faulkner introduces the confusing story “Rose for Emily” which let everyone guessing, was Miss Emily guilty as charged? Miss Emily was definitely guilty for death of Mr. Homer Barron; nevertheless, by analyzing how miss Emily Characterization has been created to reveal meaning when Faulkner elaborates Miss Emily Grierson’s character through the environment she grew up in, what other people surrounding her think about her, and by the way she looked like at the special meeting of the board of Aldermen, in order to express that the lifestyle someone grows up can negatively affect one’s social relationship and psychological behavior Faulkner started right in the beginning of the story by giving the luxurious description of Grierson’s house in …show more content…

After reading the whole story we realize that Miss Emily was never married. After her father died she keep getting older but the people around her never change the “Miss Emily” because no visible change had been made during that period of time, she always wearing the same dress and no husband. The people living around Miss Emily always have this image of Miss Emily has a kid who never grew up and she is unchanging. They are not wrong Miss Emily did not want to grow up; she did not want to accept all the transition that was going on with the time. Everyone seems to be moving with the time very well, but since Miss Emily did not have his father figure or a man to guide her through the process she was stuck in the tableau she grew up in and she did not know what to do. “Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, a care; sort of hereditary obligation upon the town” Sometimes people have to get over these childhood memories they have and accept the word change cause the world does not stay still, everything is moving therefore in order to keep one’s balance people need to move also with the

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