A Raisin In The Sun Obstacles

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Many obstacles can prevent people from accomplishing their goals. The play, A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry, is about a lower class, colored family that has to overcome many obstacles. Lena, often referred to as Mama, receives a life insurance check of $10,000 due to the death of her husband. Her son, Walter Lee, wants to use to money to go into business and invest the money in a liquor store. However, her daughter, Beneatha, hopes that the money goes toward her schooling to become a doctor. Walter Lee’s wife, Ruth, believes that Mama should spend the money how she wants to without the influence of her children. Mama has been pondering the idea of buying a new house because it has always been a dream of hers. It is very difficult …show more content…

Walter wants more out of life and wants to do more with his life. He wants to become a businessman and open a liquor store. He does not want to work for others, he wants to be wealthy. Although Walter works towards these goals, his environment prevents these dreams from becoming reality. They do not have the money to pursue his goals. Although they are receiving a large check in the mail, it is not his money to spend. He does not have full support from his family. Mama is unwilling to invest her money into liquor and the rest of the family thinks that the idea of opening a liquor store is foolish. Beneatha also has difficulty trying to reach her goals due to her environment. She wants to be a doctor and wants more out of life than just surviving. Not only do they not have the money to pay for her schooling but they believe it is an unrealistic goal. Walter says to Beneatha, “Girl, if you don’t get all them silly ideas out of your head! You better marry yourself a man with some loot” (Hansberry 150). Her family believes that she should just marry rich and give up her dream of becoming a doctor. The Youngers often have difficulty reaching their goals because they are trapped by their …show more content…

They often feel as though they will fail or are afraid of failing. Ruth is having a baby and she is considering to get rid of the baby because she does not know how she will be able to take care of it. Beneatha asked Ruth, “where is he going to live, on the roof?” (Hansberry 58). They do not have the time, space, or money for a baby therefore she believes that she will not be able to care care of the baby once it is born. Walter also deals with preconceived sense of failure because his family does not have faith in him. He wants to go into business with friends and open a liquor store. The rest of the family does not believe that he will be successful and that it is not a good idea. Mama said the Ruth, “We ain’t no business people, Ruth. We just plain working folks” (Hansberry 42). Mama and the rest of the family do not believe that they are meant for business or that they will be successful in the business industry. The Youngers do not always reach their goals due to preconceived sense of

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