A Black Man Talks Of Reaping By Arna Bontemps

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Poetry Analysis Hard work is always a good ethic to have, even if you may be going through a lot in life. The two poems I chose were “The Village Blacksmith” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and “A Black Man Talks of Reaping” by Arna Bontemps. “The Village Blacksmith” is a poem about is about a hard working blacksmith in a village has a tough life and is going through hard things in life this poem shows examples of honesty, persistence and hard work. “A Black Man Talks of Reaping” is a poem of a black sharecropper going through many hardships like working so hard and getting so little, as many African Americans did in the southern region of the United States in the early 1800s this poem also depicts a clear representation of hardships and persevering through them. There are many comparisons within these two poems, but the one that sticks out the most is theme, imagery and rhyme scheme. These two poems stick out because they were written around the same period of time and they show many similarities and few differences. …show more content…

Two solid examples of imagery are shown, “and catch the burning sparks that fly” (Longfellow 23). Also, “The muscles of his brawny arms are strong as iron bands.” (Longfellow 5-6). Another poetic element that shows strong examples in this poem is the theme. These examples are hard work, persistence, and honest, “His brow is wet with honest sweat” (Longfellow 9). Another solid example “onward through life he goes; each morning sees some task begin” (Longfellow 38-39). The last poetic element I chose was the rhyme scheme. The rhyme scheme in this poem is every other line, the same scheme as the poem as I will be talking about

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